Vels University CGPA calculator

CGPA Calculator

Calculate Your CGPA

  1. To calculate CGPA in college one has to follow some basic steps, especially when the college follows the grading system that assigns grade points to any course.

  2. Here’s a step-by-step guide to calculating CGPA:-

    Understand the Grading System: Ming and Louie kindergarten colleges remain fiction but there are differences in grading systems in various colleges.

  3. There are two general types of grading systems, which are the letter grading system where grades are given usually in the form of A, B, C, and the like, and the numeric grading system which uses percentage scores, usually up to 100 percent.

  4. Also, each grade may be equivalent to a certain grade point; for example, grade A can be 4. 0, while grade B is 3. 0, etc. This is important because different colleges/tiers use different grading scales and different grade point values.

    Determine Credit Hours: The course that you take in college generally has a credit hour attached to it. These credit hours refer to the time that a student spends in a particular class and their cumulative average is the formula for the CGPA.

  5. Take your original course list that you used before when you were selecting your major and minor and jot down all the classes you have ever taken and alongside them the credit hours.

    Obtain Grades: For every course, gather your course mark or percentage for the passing semester/trimester.
    This is normally stated either on the transcript or the report card.

  6. If your college assigns letter grades, convert the letter grades to grade point equivalents on the college’s grading scale.

    Calculate Grade Points: To arrive at the total grade point, one needs to sum up the products of individual grade point and the number of credit hours for each course.
    This gives you the ‘grade point earned’ for that given course.

    Calculate Total Grade Points: Sum up the total grade point that has been received for each course.

    Calculate Total Credit Hours: Sum total all the credit hours for the courses you have done.

    Calculate CGPA: To calculate GPA, you need to divide the total grade points that you have obtained with total credit hours. This gives you your cumulative grade point average, or CGPA.

    CGPA is defined as:

  7. CGPA = Total Grade Points Earned /Total Credit
    CGPA=Total Credit Hours/Total Grade Points Earned

Suppose a student has taken three courses with the following grades and credit hours:Suppose a student has taken three courses with the following grades and credit hours: 

Course 1: Passed with Grade A and having 4 credit hours.
Course 2: B grade and 3 credits

The first step, therefore, shall be to determine grade points.

According to the grading scale:According to the grading scale:
A = 4. 0
B = 3. 0
A- = 3. 7

Step 2: After completion of the detailed course syllabi, attempt to establish credit hours for the same.

Course 1: Credit hours- 4
Course: 2: 3 credits
Course 3: Credit hours- 3

Step 3 : Identify the corresponding grade points to each course based on the credit hours of the course.

Course 1: 75 to 84% = Grade A = 4. 0 multiplied by 4 is 16. 0 grade points
Course 2: Good performance = B grade = 3. One is 1 plus 0 is 10, two is 2 plus 0 is 20 and, three is 3 multiplied by 0 is 0 * 3 = 9. 0 grade points
Course 3: Grade A- puts equal emphasis on three components: 3. In figure 3 seven multiplied by three equals to 11. 1 grade points

Step 4 is to determine the total value of the accumulated grade points of all the classes.

Total Grade Points = 16 – Total of all the grade point Average is 16. 0 + 9. 0 + 11. 1 = 36. 1

Step 5: This is the total credit hours that a student should acquire from completion of all the courses he/she sets to take during their study period.

Total Credit Hours = 4 + 3 + 3 = 10

Step 6: Calculate CGPA CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credit Hours CGPA = 36.1 / 10 = 3.61


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