College Attendance Percentage Calculator

To calculate college attendance percentage, you need to know two key pieces of information: the total number of classes and the number of classes attended by the student.

Here’s the formula to calculate attendance percentage:

Attendance Percentage=Total Number of ClassesNumber of Classes Attended×100%

Let’s break down the steps to calculate the attendance percentage:

  1. Total Number of Classes (Total Classes): This represents the total number of classes scheduled for the course or semester.

  2. Number of Classes Attended (Attended Classes): This represents the actual number of classes the student has attended.

  3. Attendance Percentage: To calculate the attendance percentage, divide the number of classes attended by the total number of classes and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if a student attended 25 out of 30 total classes, the calculation would be as follows:

Attendance Percentage=3025×100%=65×100%83.33%

So, the student’s attendance percentage is approximately 83.33%.


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